YstokWidgets Professional Edition

YstokWidgets is a GUI library for rendering text and graphics, editing text information constructing pane layouts and window classes and mixins. It implements a kind of framework and facilitates building desktop applications.

The library is Lisp implementation-specific and targeted at LispWorks®, a Common Lisp development system for Macintosh, Windows, and Linux platforms. The library is based on CAPI. Its Windows version does not require any third-party DLL or OLE components. The library was actually tested only on Windows.

Pane classes

data-pane- family
Maintaining a kind of "changed" state, calling update-callback; highlighting text that matches some item of the choice collection.
file- and directory-pane
Text pane equipped with a completion button for opening an addition chose file/directory modal dialog.
Rendering external and internal images.

Layout classes

Saving/restoring divider position within layouts.
Helpers and generics for defining frames within an interface.
Tab layout add-ons

Window classes

General facility for choosing from a separate interface.
Saving various objects or documents in files or database; Most-recently-used feature, common toolbars and menus.
Plain text editor window, much more powerful than Windows Notepad.
Saving operation history and navigating through it similar to many LispWorks IDE tools.
GUI add-on for customizing trace options and output to the scrollable display pane.
master-interface and slave-interface
Dependent/dependee and master/slave relationship between windows.
Saving/restoring program settings and user preferences.
Subclass of progress-dialog-base class, implements a "wizard" or "master" window, which is similar to many GUI-based installers. If allows the user to enter data in step-wise manner screen-by-screen and finally start some complex process.

Menus and toolbars

Date and time support

Pop-up window displaying one month. The *calendar-orientation* parameter controls the layout of days of one week
:row (USA and UK) or :column (Europe and Russia).
Pane equipped with calendar button to invoke the calendar popup.
Pane equipped with clock button, which sets the pane value according the the curren time.
Selecting a time interval or period in a dialog, which contains a couple of data/time panes.
Displaying audit trail information - timestamp and/or person who has modified an object or document.

What is new in version 1.4

Look and feel

Some features of YstokWidgets Professional can be tasted with the trial version of Ystok-Tournament.

We usually provide our customers who program in Lisp with the source code of YstokWidgets Professional under a special license agreement.

The simplified open-source version of this library, or Open Edition, is available at lisp.ystok.ru for free.